Book reviews: "Tecnologias da informação e comunicação e suas relações com a agricultura", by Sílvia Massruhá et al. (eds). e "Agricultura de precisão", by Alberto Bernardi et al. (eds)


  • Guilherme Augusto Vieira Salvador University, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil



The agricultural segment has gradually adopted new processes of pre-production, production and post-production of food that enable it to develop and simulate models of complex phenomena in both plant and animal production, and especially in what concerns climatic, sanitary, organoleptic and market variability, and even in those situations related to labor management. Part of this paradigm shift are the technologies related to Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing platforms or Bioinformatics. What we observe in the field is a new scenario that combines data analysis, hardware, software, and digital production tools that perform the collection, storage, exchange, processing, and management of all kinds of rural information and knowledge.

Author Biography

Guilherme Augusto Vieira, Salvador University, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

He has a degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Federal University of Goiás (1987), Specialization in Higher Education Teaching from ABEC/UNIBA 2001, Master in Food, Nutrition and Health from the School of Nutrition, Federal University of Bahia (2007), PhD in History of Sciences in the Graduate Program in Teaching, Philosophy and History of Sciences of UFBA/UEFS. He is currently professor and coordinator of the courses of the EAD Platform VeteAgroGestão, member of the Editorial Board of the magazines Leite & Derivados and Revista Nacional da Carne. Scientific Coordinator of Editora Prisma for Agricultural Sciences & Agribusiness. Agribusiness and Agricultural Production. He has experience in the area of Veterinary Medicine, with emphasis on Veterinary Medicine, working mainly on the following topics: ead education, agribusiness, veterinary, hygiene, agricultural management, animal production and nutrition.


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