Bostrom’s superintelligence


  • Alexandre Quaresma Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.



Artificial Intelligence, Superintelligence, Nick Brostrom, Critique of technology


The article is a critical review of Nick Bostrom’s book Superintelligence. Its topic
is Artificial Intelligence. The author does not only deal with machines, androids and
robots that do things like us, but also with a supposedly not too distant future in which they will overcome humans in practically everything, leaving them behind in the evolutionary race. The subject is undoubtedly controversial. Many claim that the scenario is impossible. However, in contrast to what may appear, the mere hypothesis of extraordinary and superior intelligence involves not only benefits and social potentialities but also serious social concerns. The expression intelligence “explosion” is indicative in this context.

Author Biography

Alexandre Quaresma, Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Technology, Postgraduate Program in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Alexandre Quaresma is a Brazilian essayist writer and philosopher, researcher of technologies and socio-environmental consequences, with a special interest in the critique of technology. Author of the books Humano- Pós-Humano - Bioética, conflitos e dilemas da Pós-modernidade (2014); Engenharia genética e suas implicações (org.), (2014); Nanotecnologias: Zênite ou Nadir? (2011); and Artificial Intelligences - Essays on Inorganic and Non-biological Systems (org.), (2018).


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