Interaction, indistinguishability and otherness in Artificial Intelligence


  • João Cortese University of São Paulo, School of Philosophy, São Paulo, Brazil.



Robots, Ontology, Ethical agents


How should we act in the face of artificial intelligences or robots that would be indistinguishable from a human being? The problem lies in the domain of an ethics of technology in relation to man, and some basic questions must be raised. One can plead that AI serves to investigate human intelligence. But, in this case, it must be determined whether what is intended to be investigated are the effects of this intelligence or its ontology. The question is, after all, what the purpose of comparing human with artificial intelligence is. The paper does not deal with the question of whether a computer can act today like a human being. It concerns the ethical status of a machine should this occur: can we take the indiscernibility by interaction and the constitution of an autonomous agent as an intrinsic ethical status as such? It is therefore a question of the ontology of ethical agents.

Author Biography

João Cortese, University of São Paulo, School of Philosophy, São Paulo, Brazil.

PhD in co-tutelle at Université Paris 7 and Philosophy Department at USP, researcher associated to SPHERE laboratory (CNRS/Paris 7), member of the Bioethics Center of PENSI Institute - Research and Teaching in Children's Health, and participates in the Artificial Intelligence Study Group of the Institute for Advanced Studies at USP.


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