Distance Education in face-to-face school becomes hybrid education: reflections on the teachers' challenges when articulating face-to-face and distance spaces of digital mobility
Teacher training, Distance education, Hybrid learning, Active methodologies, Mobile-learningAbstract
This article wants to ponder on some challenges that take part of the contemporary reflection on approaches and innovations in the scholar environments with mobile. They, directly and indirectly, assimilate the differentials of distance education in its hybrid format. This article aims to discuss daily practice as well as the teacher training from the moment they use forms of technological mediation, they try offer of personalized technologies and active methodologies suited to demands. The ideas presented here, in the form of seven challenges, drawn from a broader survey on or use of applications by young students with their personalized mobile devices. The main question to respond were about the access like opportunity of apprenticeship. These results are used for a better preparation of teacher, whose not yeta sense of building networks of interaction, collective planning tools, incorporated into information and communication technologies. In this way, we must wait from teacher methodologies for increasingly participatory and dialogical partnerships with their colleagues and students, in order to reflect about these new challenges. These discussion were theoretically ruled by authors such as Horn & Staker (2015), Christensen (2016), Bacich (2016), Almeida (2002),Garcia (2017), Ausubel, 2003, among others, whoare dealing with the hybrid and their active methodologies, as well as mobile technology.References
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