Interview with Edméa Oliveira dos Santos




Edméa Oliveira dos Santos has a degree in Education from UCSAL, and a master's and doctorate in Education from UFBA. She has a post-doctorate in e-learning and EaD from UAB-PT, and works as an adjunct professor at the School of Education at UERJ. She is part of PROPED - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, in the research line: "Cotidianos, redes educativas e processos culturais". She is the leader of GPDOC - Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group. Member of the Image Lab at UERJ. Coordinator of GT 16 "Education and Communication" of ANPED, member of the board (vice-president in the current management 2018-2020) of the Deliberative Scientific Council and of ABCIBER - Association of Researchers in Cyberculture. He is also head of the research line "Cotidianos, educational networks and cultural processes" of PROPED/UERJ. She is active in the initial and continuing education of teachers and researchers.

Author Biographies

Werley Carlos de Oliveira, Federal University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Post-doctorate in Education at UNIFESP, doctorate and master in Technologies of Intelligence and Digital Design by PUC-SP, graduated in Psychology by Universidade São Marcos, graduated in WebSite Creation and Development by Universidade Anhembi-Morumbi, post-graduated in Management and Technology in Information Security by Faculdade Impacta, specialized in Project Management by Fundação Vanzoline. He works at Sesc SP, in the area of Corporate Education with the implementation of Virtual Learning Environment, development of courses in classroom and distance learning formats. Develops activities with VLE Moodle, Saba and Flashmeeting from Open University. Experience in online training. Research interests are online training, distance education, school management and technology, learning in virtual environments (VLE), interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity and complex thinking.

Edméa Oliveira dos Santos, Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Full Professor at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ). She works at the Institute of Education and at the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEDUC), in the research line "Line 1: Contemporary Studies and Educational Practices". From 2007 to 2018, she was an Adjunct Professor at the School of Education of the Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), working in the Undergraduate and Graduate Education Program (PROPED/UERJ) (where she collaborates, along the research line "Cotidianos, educational networks and cultural processes". She is Professor of Informatics in Education in the course of Distance Education at UERJ/CEDERJ. Editor-in-chief of the Journal Docência e Cibercultura. Pedagogue from UCSAL, master and doctorate in Education from UFBA. Post-doctorate in e-learning and EAD from UAB-PT, where she collaborates sporadically in the MPEL - Master in Pedagogy of e-Learning. Leader of GPDOC - Teaching and Cyberculture Research Group. Member of the Image Lab of UERJ. Coordinator of GT 16 - "Education and Communication" of ANPED - Brazilian Association of Research in Education, vice-president of ABCIBER - Association of Researchers in Cyberculture. Works in the initial and continuing education of teachers and researchers. Areas of emphasis: "Education and Cyberculture, Research and Pedagogical Practices, Teacher Training, Curricula: theories, practices and policies, Information Technology in Education, Online Education, Distance Education.

