Pedagogical training via DE and the professional development of a teacher trainer: a case study


  • Maria Antonieta Alba Celani Pontfical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Rosinda de Castro Guerra Ramos Pontfical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.
  • Maria Aparecida Gazotti-Vallim Federal Institute of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.



Critical reflective teacher education, Online teacher educators formation, Blended courses


This article aims at examining the contribution of the experience of a professor in a continuing education blended course for her professional development as an online reflective teacher educator. The objective of this course is to teach Professional Education teachers of technical disciplines to act autonomously, critically, creatively and in a participatory way in order to build a democratic society. This course is offered by a Brazilian federal education institution in the city of São Paulo. The participant worked both as a teacher educator/designer and virtual tutor in the implementation of the first group of the course, offered in 2012. Data came from a reflective diary, a semistructured interview, and a Google form questionnaire. They were analyzed using Content Analysis. Results show that the participant held her belief of what means to be a critical reflective teacher, and how this formation should take place either face-to-face or online. She was also able to explore the concept of critical reflection in the digital didactic material and in face-to-face lessons. The participant reflected upon her own practice through self-evaluation and by implementing new actions in other situations, and realized the need to rethink beliefs regarding the characteristics of online courses.

Author Biographies

Maria Antonieta Alba Celani, Pontfical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

She has a degree in Anglo-Germanic Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1946), a doctorate in Anglo-Germanic Literature from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (1960), and specialized courses at the University of London and the University of Michigan. She is currently Emeritus Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She is a member of the editorial board of the journals The ESPecialist, DELTA, Trabalhos em Lingüística Aplicada and Revista Brasileira de Lingüística Aplicada. She has experience in the area of Applied Linguistics, with emphasis on teacher education, working mainly on the following themes: English teaching, public school, teacher development and reflective education, theory-practice relationship. She was the founder of the first Post-Graduate Studies Program in Applied Linguistics in Brazil, in 1970. She coordinated the National Project for Instrumental English Teaching in Brazilian Universities (1980-1989) and currently coordinates the Programa Formação Contínua do Professor de Inglês, a partnership between Associação Cultura Inglesa São Paulo, PUC-SP and the Secretaria de Estado da Educação de São Paulo and Secretara de Educação do Município de São Paulo.

Rosinda de Castro Guerra Ramos, Pontfical Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

Graduated in Languages (Portuguese, English and German) at the University of São Paulo (1974). She holds a Master's degree (1988) and a PhD (1997) in Applied Linguistics and Language Teaching from PUCSP. She was a full professor at PUCSP (1886-2014), lecturer and researcher at the Applied Linguistics and Language Studies Program (LAEL) and English Department. She was coordinator of CEPRIL - Center for Resources, Research and Information in Reading - at PUCSP (1986-2000). She was a visiting professor with the Department of Languages (English) at the Federal University of São Paulo (2015-2017). She has been working in the area of Languages for Specific Purposes since 1982, as a consultant, researcher, designer and teacher of courses and teacher trainer for this area.

Maria Aparecida Gazotti-Vallim, Federal Institute of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil.

She has a bachelor's degree in Languages - Translation and Interpretation from the Iberoamerican Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, a master's degree in Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo and a doctorate in Applied Linguistics and Language Studies - Line: Language, Technology and Education from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo. She is an English language teacher at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of São Paulo, São Paulo campus, where she has also worked as coordinator of the Pedagogical Training of Teachers for Secondary Professional Education - EaD modality and pedagogical director of the Distance Education Directory of the institution, linked to the Pró-reitoria de Ensino. She was an English Language teacher at FATEC Ipiranga; an independent/guided professor in the Specialization courses in Reflective Practices and Teaching-Learning of English in Public School and extension courses: Instrumental English: Reading for Academic Purposes and Instrumental English: Online Teacher Training at COGEAE, PUC-SP. She has experience in the field of Applied Linguistics, with emphasis on Language, Technology and Education, working mainly in the following areas: needs analysis, design of English and Portuguese courses for specific purposes (instrumental); Business English, elaboration of didactic material based on the concept of textual genres, teaching-learning of general English, foreign language teacher training, translations and revisions of academic and technical texts.


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