Blended learning based on collective intelligence: a case study in judicial training


  • José Erigleidson Silva Escola Judicial do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª Região, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.



Blended learning, Collective intelligence, Hybridism


The purpose of qualitative field research is to analyze the action of Blended Learning in the context of adult education in a corporate context, more specifically in judicial training, TRT Judicial School in São Paulo. The focus of the analysis, during the course  "Digital  Culture:  Work,  Technologies,  Cognition  and  Learning",  was  to  find evidence   that   Blended   Learning,   in   synergy   with   the   operators   of   collective intelligence,  has  favored  the  emergence  of  collective  intelligence  and  contributed  to the learning of the 13 participants for 4 weeks. The course with hybrid design, had the virtual  learning  environment  Moodle  for  the  moments  of  online  interaction  and  the interactions  were  analyzed  to  understand  if  the  effects  of  the  operators  in  a  blended classroom  are  effective  in the  mobilization  of  intelligence  positive  affect  on  learning. In  order  to  respond  to  the  problem,  the  interdisciplinary  theoretical  contribution brings cultural and educational issues in the context of corporate education supported by  the  mediation  of  multimedia  understood  from concepts  of  collective  intelligence, formulated by Pierre Lévy, and socioconstrutivism developed by Lev Vygotsky.

Author Biography

José Erigleidson Silva, Escola Judicial do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 2ª Região, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brasil.

PhD in Education, Art and Cultural History (Mackenzie Presbyterian University). Master in Intelligence Technologies and Digital Design (Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo- PUC/SP), research line "Learning and Cognitive Semiotics". Post-graduation in Instructional Design for EaD Online from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). He is currently a professor in graduate courses in Educational and School Management (PUC-SP) and Digital Information and Communication Technologies in Education (PUC-SP). Coordinator of EaD at the Judicial School of the Regional Labor Court of the 2nd Region. He was Executive Secretary of the Distance Education Committee of the Integrated Training System for Labor Magistrates (SIFMT) and member of the Committee on Distance Education and Self-Instruction of the Labor Justice of the First and Second Level. She has experience in DE management, training of educators to use new technologies, training of teachers for DE, instructional design. Topics of interest: distance education, blended learning, judicial training, educational technology, cyberculture and teaching learning processes, collective intelligence and learning, collective intelligence and personal and collective knowledge management.


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