Blended learning based on collective intelligence: a case study in judicial training
Blended learning, Collective intelligence, HybridismAbstract
The purpose of qualitative field research is to analyze the action of Blended Learning in the context of adult education in a corporate context, more specifically in judicial training, TRT Judicial School in São Paulo. The focus of the analysis, during the course "Digital Culture: Work, Technologies, Cognition and Learning", was to find evidence that Blended Learning, in synergy with the operators of collective intelligence, has favored the emergence of collective intelligence and contributed to the learning of the 13 participants for 4 weeks. The course with hybrid design, had the virtual learning environment Moodle for the moments of online interaction and the interactions were analyzed to understand if the effects of the operators in a blended classroom are effective in the mobilization of intelligence positive affect on learning. In order to respond to the problem, the interdisciplinary theoretical contribution brings cultural and educational issues in the context of corporate education supported by the mediation of multimedia understood from concepts of collective intelligence, formulated by Pierre Lévy, and socioconstrutivism developed by Lev Vygotsky.
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