Narratives of experiences of the formative process in an EaD pedagogy course: becoming a teacher
School narratives, Resignification of experience, Teacher training, Supervised internshipAbstract
Narratives of experiences of the formative process in a Distance Learning pedagogy course: becoming a teacher Education in our country. Many paths present themselves in our horizon. For a more successful perspective, plurality is required. In the present research, it is understood that higher education corresponds to one of these paths, especially when it concerns the training of teachers for basic education. Our attention was focused on undergraduate courses in pedagogy offered as distance learning courses, with the aim of proving that the training in a virtual environment does not deprive the future teacher of the same teaching-learning conditions of traditional education, validating the inherent tools of digital information technologies and communication. Therefore, our studies were based on Josso (2004, 2010), Azevedo and Passegi (2016), who guide scientific research in Education –particularlyin EaD –from a hermeneutic-phenomenological approach, based in Freire (2012), always with reference to the contributions of several authors who also dealt with analogous themes, such as Delory-Momberger (2008, 2012, 2014), Ferrarotti (2010, 2014), among many others. The material for analysis was composed of autobiographical sources, produced by participants who were about to complete their undergraduate studies and who brought to their narratives the reminiscences of their first school years, the influences of the teachers they encountered throughout the academic journey and, especially, their experiences during the supervised internship. From these narratives, themes emerged that enabled interpretations, allowing reflections on their links with the chosen career, on the expectations of each participant, including their reminiscences and their feelings of anxiety and affectivity, as well as demonstrations of belonging to the chosen career, revealing a formative course that is crucial to the process of becoming a teacher.
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