Digital biopolitics and the use of artificial intelligence to control pandemics


  • Paola Cantarini State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil



Biopolitics, Artificial intelligence, Pandemic control


The era of the 4th industrial revolution, industry 4.0 or the silicon era is characterized, above all, by the use of artificial intelligence in every sector of our lives, with the increase of technical interconnections of all species, with the acceleration of time. These are the times of digital biopolitics, hypermodernity and transhumanism. A new form of sovereignty emerges, sovereignty based on maintaining borders between countries is overlapped. The sovereign is now the one who owns data. The most recent use of artificial intelligence refers to the control of the Coronavirus pandemic, regarding population's compliance with quarantine measures, as well as monitoring the outbreak, bringing questions related to the concept of state of exception and the need to apply the principle proportionality when faced with cases of collisions of fundamental rights norms, as in the case of such exceptional situations. This paper intends to reflect on such issues.

Author Biography

Paola Cantarini, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

Holds Master and a Doctorate in Law from PUC-SP, with doctoral internship at the University of Minho-PT, doctorate in philosophy of law from the Univ. of Salento-Lecce-IT, post-doctorate in Social Sciences - University of Coimbra-PT, post-doctorate in Philosophy, Arts and Critical Thinking -EGS- Switzerland. Post-doctoral student - TIDD, PUC-SP. Researcher UNICAMP. Researcher at Lawgorithm, and IEA - Institute of Advanced Studies at USP. Visiting Researcher SNS-Pisa-IT.


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