A debate about the online field and virtual ethnography
Technology, Ethnography, Virtual ethnography, Anthropology, MethodAbstract
The aim of this article is to present virtual ethnography as a valid option of research without neglecting the methods of ethnography along their classical lines. Connected in a worldwide computer network, society is currently undergoing a deep reconfiguration. The paper offers a bibliographical outline of the ongoing transformations in the domain of virtual ethnography and its methodological innovations. In establishing new relationships between scholars and their interlocutors, between researchers and their research fields, this study aims at closing some of the gaps in the literature concerning virtual ethnography, a field of research so far little explored and still facing considerable resistance to methodological innovation. The paper also aims at contributing to a better understanding of the method of virtual ethnography in a world immersed in computer-mediated communication technology, with digital artifacts gaining more and more space in cultural production and social interaction conducted more and more through the mediation of machines in digital formats.
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