Audio deepfake
manipulation simulates real voice to portray someone saying something they did not say
Deepfake, Audio deepfake, Artificial Intelligence, AlgorithmsAbstract
“Audio deepfake” is a part of the complex of deepfake, which is a form of the fake news (FN) produced with the purpose of deceiving the unwary. The study aims at understanding how audio deepfake spreads and exerts an ascendancy over the public,
distorting their way of thinking through unknown algorithms. The idea is to point out how the relationship between the (usurped) data and the analysis and monitoring of the media takes place to “better” direct those who receive the various kinds of misinformation. The main hypothesis is that the lack of protection of our personal data turns them into the raw material for the indiscriminate use of fraudulent information. The power of the resources of Artificial Intelligence techniques is examined, and a list of tools to manufacture and detect them is set up. In scrutinizing audio deepfakes inserted or not in video deepfakes and the damage they cause in their uncontrolled dissemination, the paper analyzes a malicious case of voice cloning and manipulation camouflaged as a risk report. The challenge to the ethics of information is discussed.
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