Deepfake creation strategies
a semiotic analysis
French semiotics, Sense, DeepfakeAbstract
In a scenario marked by the expansion of the internet, newsreaders are changing their habits and migrating their actions to the Internet. With the increase of information exchanged on social networks, deepfakes are becoming a dangerous instrument of persuasion. The study investigates this phenomenon from the perspective of French semiotics. It has two objectives: (i) To understand how the discursive strategies are produced in deepfakes. (ii) To carry out an analysis of the generative path of tripartite meaning at the narrative, discursive, and fundamental levels. The methodology applied is descriptive and theoretical in character, as foreseen by the French semiotic tradition. It is understood that deepfake is a phenomenon on the rise because it is intrinsically associated with new possible practices through the digital universe, disseminating contents that seem to be true but are not.
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