Ten Notes on the ruins of the Anthropocene

a search for a common ground between different fields of knowledge


  • Salvador Schavelzon University of São Paulo, Postgraduate Program in Latin American Integration, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Marina Guzzo Federal University of São Paulo, Department of Health, Clinics and Institutions, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Teresa Maria Siewerdt University of São Paulo, School of Communications and Arts, Department of Visual Arts, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Emanuel Fonseca Lima University of São Paulo, School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, Postgraduate Program in General Theory and Philosophy of Law, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Fábio Tremonte University of São Paulo, School of Communications and Arts, Department of Visual Arts, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Priscila Luz Gontijo Soares University of São Paulo, Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities, Postgraduate Program in Comparative Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Ana Jaimile da Cunha Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins, Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil
  • Igor Wassiljew Moia University of São Paulo, Institute of Biosciences, Post-graduate program in Biological Sciences - Botany, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Lídia Ferreira de Sousa
  • Anny Pagan




Anthropocene, Interspecific Worlds, Cosmopolitics, Ontological Turn


Based on the dialogue between individual studies and the results of different disciplinary fields of research, this text presents ten notes, in the form of a conversation to ponder collectively and through different forms of writing, alternatives of interspecific, feral, nonhuman worlds of plasticity and resistance in the Anthropocene. The paper brings together perspectives that discuss contemporary anthropological and philosophical theories with a focus on the cosmopolitics of plant and animal worlds. Modulations of the Anthropocene concept, such as Capitalocene, Plantationcene or Chthulucene, allow
us to consider about the implications of humans deeming themselves the center of the Universe and how this affects the planet’s life. How can we deal simultaneously with the problem of the centrality of humans from the perspective of a posthumanist and interspecific reality and the problem of the destructive potential of humans, and the ensuing impact on life on earth with immense consequences? The current context of a growing loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and the precarious condition of life and imagination is considered. Implications for anthropology, law, tourism, art, and literature are discussed, which address some urgent needs of our pandemic and virtual time.

Author Biographies

Salvador Schavelzon, University of São Paulo, Postgraduate Program in Latin American Integration, São Paulo, Brazil

Anthropologist, professor and researcher at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), professor in the Postgraduate Program in Latin American Integration (PROLAM-USP). In 2020 he taught the subject "Contemporary anthropological theory: cosmopolitics of plant and animal worlds" in the Postgraduate Program in Cultural Studies (EACH-USP).

Marina Guzzo, Federal University of São Paulo, Department of Health, Clinics and Institutions, Santos, São Paulo, Brazil

Artist and researcher of the arts of the body, she has a post-doctorate by the Department of Performing Arts at ECA-USP and a master's and doctorate in Social Psychology from PUC-SP. She is an Adjunct Professor at Unifesp in the Campus Baixada Santista.

Teresa Maria Siewerdt, University of São Paulo, School of Communications and Arts, Department of Visual Arts, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Artist and researcher. Bachelor in visual arts from the State University of Santa Catarina (UDESC). Master in visual poetics at the School of Communication and Arts of the University of São Paulo (USP). PhD student in visual poetics at the University of São Paulo, in the Visual Arts department, where she investigates insurgent and resurgent practices linked to (T)earth.

Emanuel Fonseca Lima, University of São Paulo, School of Philosophy, Literature and Human Sciences, Postgraduate Program in General Theory and Philosophy of Law, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Especialista em Direito Ambiental pela PUC-SP. Mestre e Doutorando em Teoria Geral e Filosofia do Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo. Procurador do Estado de São Paulo. Integrante do Coletivo Ocareté.

Fábio Tremonte, University of São Paulo, School of Communications and Arts, Department of Visual Arts, São Paulo, Brazil

Artist and curator. Master and doctoral student in visual arts at the School of Communications and Arts, University of São Paulo. Maintains projects of unforeseen duration and creation processes of diffuse community zones. In 2020, he was educational curator of the artistic residence of Valongo Festival da Imagem (Santos, SP). In 2021, he is curator of the program Pedagogías infinitas de Aeromoto (Mexico City).

Priscila Luz Gontijo Soares, University of São Paulo, Faculty of Philosophy, Literature and Humanities, Postgraduate Program in Comparative Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Writer, playwright and researcher. M.A. in Literature and Literary Criticism from PUC/SP, doctoral candidate in the Postgraduate Program in Comparative Studies of Portuguese Language Literatures/FFLCH-USP. In 2016, she published Peixe cego, a novel that was a finalist for the São Paulo Literature Prize 2017. In 2020, she published O som dos anéis de Saturno, both by 7Letras.

Ana Jaimile da Cunha, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins, Palmas, Tocantins, Brazil

Bachelor and Masters in Tourism from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Technical Training in Teaching and Collaborative Learning from TAMK University, Finland (2014). Specialist in Tourism Management from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra in conjunction with the Escuela de Alta Dirección y Administración (EADA), Barcelona, Spain (2006). Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins (IFTO). Develops research on tourism local productive arrangements, creative economy, social business and ethno-tourism.

Igor Wassiljew Moia, University of São Paulo, Institute of Biosciences, Post-graduate program in Biological Sciences - Botany, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Biologist and researcher. Master's student in the graduate program in Biological Sciences - Botany at the Institute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo. He works in the area of botany, conducting floristic and taxonomic studies of the Cactaceae family and co-production of knowledge in environmental sciences, with a focus on work with native and traditional peoples.

Lídia Ferreira de Sousa

Math teacher for the Barueri municipal school system. She also has a degree in Social Communication - Journalism.

Anny Pagan

Artist, researcher, and student at the Federal University of São Paulo.


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