Ruins of the visible

politics implied in the relationship with images in the Big Data era


  • Claudio de Melo Filho State University of Campinas, Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Fernanda Souza Oliveira State University of Campinas, Graduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil
  • Cesar Augusto Baio Santos State University of Campinas, Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil



Image, Database, Technology, Art


Debates about images often address places, techniques, and spaces to which important features are attributed. Seeking to articulate strategies and develop reflections on impacts of technologies on the mediation of network images in our contemporaneity, this article aims to investigate the massive presence of technological communication devices (personal cameras, software, computers, cell phones, control cameras and surveillance, among countless others), which trigger continuous information overload. We propose a speculative approach to the relationship between image, pests and big data.
It is in the context of the algorithmic presence in our environment, added to the habit driven by social networks for an excessive production and sharing of images and personal data, that the large information banks feed. To analyze this relationship, we aim to explore a system surrounded by a complex web of relationships and possibilities, which implies establishing connections that go beyond the specificities of artistic and scientific languages. The article is a result of the research project “Post-anthropocentric Aesthetics: towards ‘biohybrid’ systems” which was created by the César Baio (Unicamp). We started from this reflection to seek life in the ruins of to the excess of images in the world – visualization –, such as ‘violence of the visible’ and networks for informational domains through artistic practices.

Author Biographies

Claudio de Melo Filho, State University of Campinas, Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

Cláudio Filho is a doctoral student in the Graduate Program in Visual Arts at the State University of Campinas under the guidance of Prof. Dr. César Baio, in which he develops academic and artistic research in investigations between history, art, science, and technology.

Fernanda Souza Oliveira, State University of Campinas, Graduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

Master's student at the Graduate Program in Visual Arts at Unicamp, FAEPEX scholarship 2029/19 linked to the research project Post-anthropocentric aesthetics: towards 'biohybrid' systems under the supervision of Prof. Dr. César Baio.

Cesar Augusto Baio Santos, State University of Campinas, Postgraduate Program in Visual Arts, Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, professor at the Institute of Arts at the State University of Campinas.


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