Thinking Machines:

The dilemmas of Artificial Intelligence




Intelligence, artificial intelligence, artificial life, consciousness


Can machines think? If so, could their intelligence be equal or even superior to the one of humans? Would a mechanical being have a form of consciousness such as the one we experience? From these questions, this study seeks to establish a reflection on the possibility of machines being understood as thinking beings – perhaps even so- cial beings. The main objective of this article is to draw a clear parallel between human and artificial intelligence, and possibly provoke discussions that are less Cartesian about what intelligence could be – for us or for other beings. To this end, this article investi- gates the concepts of artificial intelligence and life, and focuses on discussions of the theme in current research, such as: What is intelligence? For intelligence to exist in a digital environment, should we accurately have to replicate the human brain inside a machine? Therefore, several possible paths for the construction (or understanding) of genuinely thinking machines are presented, from materialist argumentations to philo- sophical ones, that put to the test the understanding of what could, in fact, be the human mind. During this investigation, authors such as Margaret Boden, Pamela McCordu- ck, Claus Emmeche, Alan Turing, Winfried Nöth, João de Fernandes Teixeira, among others, are used. The paper seeks to bring a multidisciplinary perspective. It argues that artificial intelligence must not only be understood as a single discipline but as a rese- arch field that extends over philosophy, biology, linguistics, technology, and semiotics.

Author Biographies

Raíssa Campoy Tonon

Winfried Nöth, membro honorário da Associação Internacional de Semiótica Visual e Ex-presidente da Associação Alemã de Semiótica, é professor da Universidade Católica de São Paulo no programa de estudos pós-graduados Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (TIDD). Suas pesquisas incluem a semiótica cognitiva, a semiótica geral de C. S. Peirce, a semiótica das mídias, especialmente das ima- gens e dos mapas. Livros em português: Panorama da semiótica de Platão a Peirce (1995), A semiótica no século XX (1996), Manual da semiótica (no prelo) e com Lucia Santaella Imagem: cognição, se- miótica, mídia (4a ed., 2005), Estratégias semióticas da publicidade (2010) e Introdução à semiótica (2017).

Winfried Nöth

Winfried Nöth, membro honorário da Associação Internacional de Semiótica Visual e Ex-presidente da Associação Alemã de Semiótica, é professor da Universidade Católica de São Paulo no programa de estudos pós-graduados Tecnologias da Inteligência e Design Digital (TIDD). Suas pesquisas incluem a semiótica cognitiva, a semiótica geral de C. S. Peirce, a semiótica das mídias, especialmente das ima- gens e dos mapas. Livros em português: Panorama da semiótica de Platão a Peirce (1995), A semiótica no século XX (1996), Manual da semiótica (no prelo) e com Lucia Santaella Imagem: cognição, se- miótica, mídia (4a ed., 2005), Estratégias semióticas da publicidade (2010) e Introdução à semiótica (2017).


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