Living technological xenoscapes
xenolife, xenoscapes, quantum artificial life, living technologies, artificial hyperintelligencesAbstract
The study begins with the relationship between Xenoscapes and the Novacene universe proposed by James Lovelock. With the root xeno, ‘foreign’ or ‘strange(r)’, we move from life as we knew it to finding a quantum leap that takes us to life as it could be. It is the possible life, which exhibits a second nature, a life that evolves along with technology, mainly with artificial hyperintelligences, which will join us to continue taking care of Gaia and continue to make life on Earth possible, in this new nature of the living, strange and alien, like the foreigner. The research includes the analysis of the works of two artists: the British Libby Heaney and the Colombian Juan M. Castro, whose topics are artificial life, quantum computing, as well as proto-life, exploring the concept of Xenolife that makes the landscapes of Gaia in Novacene possible.
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