Quantum physics and culture:

mutual influences


  • Osvaldo Pessoa Jr




interpretation, quantum theory, culture, relativism


A pedagogical exposition of quantum physics opens the article, highlighting the difference between the objective part of the theory and its interpretative part. A “realist wave interpretation with collapses” is adopted to present five basic principles of the theory. One then addresses the impact of quantum physics on society. Its great scientific and technological impact is discussed, and then its theoretical impact is examined more closely, in ontological and epistemological terms. It is argued that the ontological impact on our everyday lives is limited to technological applications, and that possible philosophical consequences of the uncertainty principle and indeterminism are not important, much less the consequences imagined by quantum mysticism in relation to entanglement. Among the epistemological lessons is that we know the interpretation that comes closest to the truth, but we do not know which one it is, among the dozens of proposed interpretations. Finally, we discuss Forman's thesis, which involves the question of whether science is objective or whether it is a socio-culturally negotiated construction, as defended by relativism. We conclude in favor of a "relative relativism": interpretations can be strongly influenced by culture, but in a healthy scientific context its objective part is able to isolate itself from social vicissitudes and from the emotional intentions of scientists. Finally, some examples of the influence of culture and other factors on the interpretations of quantum theory are given.

Author Biography

Osvaldo Pessoa Jr

Professor titular de Filosofia da Ciência no Departamento de Filosofia, FFLCH, Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Graduação em Física (1982) e Filosofia (1984) pela USP, Mestrado em Física Experimental na Unicamp, em 1985, e Doutorado no Departamento de História & Filosofia da Ciência na Indiana University, EUA, com tese sobre o problema da medição na física quântica (1990). Publicou o livro Conceitos de física quântica (2003). Desenvolve pesquisa em filosofia da física, filosofia da mente e “modelos causais em história da ciência”, além de se interessar por ensino e divulgação científica. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4191-1719. Contato:


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