

  • Alessandro Mancio de Camargo Senac University Center, National Service for Commercial Learning, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil




Issue 20 of teccogs magazine discusses the digital transformation in the field, whose acceleration is in line with what is being called the 4th Industrial Revolution (4ri). As a highlight, instead of the use of human strength and intelligence fundamental to previous revolutions, 4ri increasingly values the volume, variety, and speed of information flow through intelligent technological networks, such as those constituted by the Internet of Things (IoT). These developments are generally associated with urban or industrial landscapes, but over the last 200 years industrial production methods have become the mainstay of agriculture, through the diffusion of agricultural machinery, implements, and inputs. A framework addressed in the dossier and other articles in this issue, by authors such as Bassoi et al. who explore the cognitive advances caused by digital culture in the agrosystem. [...].

Author Biography

Alessandro Mancio de Camargo, Senac University Center, National Service for Commercial Learning, São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

PhD from Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo in Technology of Intelligence and Digital Design (TIDD) - area of concentration: cognitive processes and digital environments (agtech; technology transfer); Master in Communication and Semiotics. Specialist in Scientific Journalism at Unicamp. Member of the research group TransObjeto, certified by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Works as a part-time teacher in the areas of marketing and sales. Areas of interest: digital agriculture, marketing and public relations. In the business segment, he provides services for brands in various sectors of the economy, served by the corporate communications agency EiraCom. Author of the book Sociedade em Rede: Comunicação Científica na Nova Mídia


