As escrituras do corpo e Amelia Toledo: quando o gesto se torna livro


  • Galciani Neves


Amelia Toledo, Artist’s book, Process critique


This paper presents some moments about the trajectory of the artist Amelia Toledo. Some interviews were conducted in her studio, which enabled complex associations between languages experienced in her production and artist’s book. Through a relational perspective to the “Process Critique” articulated by Cecilia Salles, based on semiotics, it is proposed an approach to experimentation with various materials and the web that guides the processing capabilities, in which Amelia Toledo works with artist’s book poetics. The artist proposes dissonances in the book's language when she uses appropriated materials, setting up mechanisms and strategies for interaction.

Author Biography

Galciani Neves

Doutoranda - PUC-SP - Comunicação e Semiótica. Professora de Design Editorial da PUC-SP. Professora HIstória da arte, na FMU. Produtora de Conteúdo e palestrante da Fundação Bienal de São Paulo.


