The complex and trivial in “The devil to pay in the backlands”


  • Maria Cláudia Araujo


Riobaldo, The Devil to pay in the Backland, paradox


The narrative of The Devil to Pay in the Backlands is put in question from the fragmented and paradoxical structure. The reflections of Riobaldo, the narrator, on the matter of God and religiousness do not offer an organic process of thinking, but tend to loose balance between the certainty and the doubt, creating a restless feeling within the report. The restlessness of Riobaldo points to the character´s transcendental disposition, who tries to understand, and even explain, the meaning of the battle between good and evil. The drought and bareness of the backlands, mixed with the natural river paths, could be understood as a metaphor on the sentimental condition of the human being towards the world.

Author Biography

Maria Cláudia Araujo

Doutoranda em Ciências da Religião pela PUC-SP, mestre em Literatura e Crítica Literária, pela mesma instituição, e é graduada em Jornalismo pela UMC. Pesquisadora da CAPES e membro dos grupos de pesquisas Categorias da Narrativa e Pós-Religare, da PUC/SP.

How to Cite

Araujo, M. C. (2012). The complex and trivial in “The devil to pay in the backlands”. Último Andar, (20), 11–32. Retrieved from