
  • Eleusa Socorro do Carmo Ferreira PUC-SP Ciência da Religião



Cajuña, Wanadi, Odosha, Ättä, A’daja.


The Ye’kuana live in the state of Amazon and Bolivar in Venezuela. That situated in the South of this country, a small group lives in the State of Roraima, Brazil. The Ye’kuana live in at all does not have breeding’s of churches. That is the reason why not very seldom they interpreted by the Occidentals as a non-religious people. The present script tries to understand and prove the sacred experience of the Ye’kuana, by means of two symbolical images: the Ättä, community house and A’daja, the backwoods. Mircea Eliade book, the sacred and the profane, helps to understand how they can connect with the world of the Supreme Being Wanadi living in the Earth that is in Odosha hand a Wanadi oppose. As a methodological resource the author privileges the years she lived together with the Ye’kuana.


BARANDIARÁN, Daniel de. Introducción a la Cosmovisión de los Indios Ye’kuana-Maquiritare. Revista Montalbán, Caracas, n. 9, p. 737-1004, 1979.

BARANDIARÁN, Daniel de. Shamanismo Ye’kuana o Maquiritare. Revista Antropológica. Caracas, n. 11, p. 61-90. Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales La Salle, 31 de agosto 1962.

CIVRIEUX, Marc de. Watunna; un ciclo de creación en el Orinoco. 2. ed. Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1992.

ELIADE, Mircea. O Sagrado e o Profano. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2001.

FERREIRA, Eleusa Socorro C. Sichukä Jiakädö (Nenê, vem tomar banho). Uma análise de um rito de proteção Ye’kuana e da tentativa de apropriação no ritual do Batismo Católico. Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, PUC-SP, 2011.

GUSS, David. Tejer y Cantar. Caracas: Monte Ávila Editores, 1990.



How to Cite

Ferreira, E. S. do C. (2018). SACRED EXPERIENCE OF THE YE’KUANA. Último Andar, (32), 164–174.