The care as a spiritual maturing factor




Process, Spiritual maturity, Human care


The article addresses a reflection on the exercise of "care" as a process of spiritual maturation. The inspiring question for the development of this work was: How is the exercise of daily care shaped as a process of spiritual maturation? We sought to understand and evaluate the profound transformations of society that generate the suffering of humanization in several areas (mental, corporal and spiritual), which take the spirit of living and the gift of caring; and to discern paths to spiritual growth in which one can seek the strength to overcome all the shadows and challenges, acquiring maturity through the dimension of care. A bibliographical research was carried out with several authors, with a philosophical and theological basis, with the motivational books of the philosopher and theologian Leonardo Boff as "thinking to care" and "The necessary care". It is concluded that the act of caring is inherent to Being and necessary in its process of constitution in the world. The study indicates that a human and spiritual advance occurs when a person reaches a degree of maturity during their growth process and begins to cope well with their demands, to relate amicably with others in their environment, to acquire learning and the ability to build fraternal bonds of care. 

Author Biography

Jhauber Luiz Moreira da Silva, Faculdade Unida de Vitória, Espiírito Santo

Master´ s student in Sciences of Religions


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How to Cite

Silva, J. L. M. da. (2021). The care as a spiritual maturing factor. Último Andar, 24(38), 157–175.