Brazilian religion

pluralism, media and politics




Religion, Brazil, pluralism, media, politics


This article aims to present bibliographical materials that emphasize religion in Brazil. The country has a syncretic root that makes the national religious phenomenon, because of its peculiarity, the object of a vast and interesting research, but with the caveat that any research related to religion in Brazil is far from unanimous and unique because of the diversification of the national territory. It will be presented, in a summarized way, the Brazilian religious plurality, fruit of the syncretism that is the basis of this plurality, even because of the roots of the first peoples of the national territory; the use of the media to conquer new believers will be addressed because of its dynamism and wide reach, and finally the progressive participation of evangelicals in party politics will be analyzed. 

 Religion; Brazil; pluralism; media; politics. 

Author Biography

Rodrigo Mendes Faria, Faculdade Unida de Vitória

Rodrigo Mendes Faria, Master's student in Science of Religions at Faculdade Unida de Vitória, Bachelor's Degree in Theology at Baptist College of the State of Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Faria, R. M. . (2021). Brazilian religion: pluralism, media and politics. Último Andar, 24(38), 218–231.

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