Solidarity and devotion

breath in times of pandemic




Pandemic, Volunteering, Chapels, Estiva, Caminho da Fé


We intend to create a dialogue between religiosity and the pandemic, making a cut in the stretch of the Steps of Faith that covers the municipality of Estiva, located in southern of Minas Gerais between the Chapel of São Bento and the Chapel of Santa Cruz, known as the little chapel of the exchange. In times of pandemic, returning to this pilgrimage activity having the solidary support of a volunteer, Luiz Carlos Marques Júnior, becomes an aegis when the challenge becomes arduous for those on pilgrimage. This shelter will be discussed about the Religious History linked to the devotion of Saint Benedict and the Geography of Religion, analyzing the landscape about the sacred together with the words of volunteer, who kindly gave us an interview.

Author Biographies

Ellen Cristina dos Santos Oliveira, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Master's student of the Graduate Program of PUC-SP in Religion Science.

Orlando Caldeira de Farias Junior, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Master's student of the Graduate Program of PUC-SP in Religion Science


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How to Cite

Oliveira, E. C. dos S., & Farias Junior, O. C. de . (2021). Solidarity and devotion: breath in times of pandemic. Último Andar, 24(38), 48–67.