O discurso religioso de Che


  • Hugo José Suarez


Sociology of religion, religious and political, Theology of Liberation, Che Guevara, Latin America


In 1967 Ernesto Che Guevara died in Bolivia. Three years later, a small group of young university students organized a new guerrilla movement based on Che’s experience. The characteristic of this movement is the religious factor, that is, the participation of many Christians who were motivated by their religious beliefs in the fighting. They thought that they were building the kingdom of God on Earth. This article analyses the characteristics of Che’s discourse to understand the process of “elective affinity” between Guevarism and Latin American Christian movement in the 70’s. I basically used Michael Löwy’s concepts of Liberation Christianity to answer why young Christians were attracted to Che’s discourse, up to the point of giving up their lives for that social project.


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How to Cite

Suarez, H. J. (2024). O discurso religioso de Che. Último Andar, 1(1), 52–68. Retrieved from https://revistas.pucsp.br/index.php/ultimoandar/article/view/65179


