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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not under evaluation for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  • Files for submission are in .DOCX, .DOC, RTF or Openoffice format.
  • The paper does not contain parts identical to previously published works, by the same author or others, unless the source and authorship of these parts are identified appropriately. Otherwise, the submission will be considered plagiarism or self-plagiarism, which will result in its rejection. In case plagiarism or self-plagiarism is identified in a paper already published by Último Andar, this paper will have its publication revoked.
  • All works in the reference list have been cited in the body text.
  • All authors have an ORCID number registered with their users on the Último Andar magazine platform. Check this link ("public" menu) You must also fill in your academic information in the "Biography summary" field.
  • Thank you for your interest in submitting your text to Último Andar journal, an exclusive space for the publication of work by students, i.e. we do not accept articles signed by doctors. Publication depends on fulfilling some of the steps listed below.
    Before submitting your text, please check the items below. Submissions that do not comply will not be accepted.
  • The text strictly follows the ABNT formatting parameters (see the Guidelines for Authors explained below).
  • If your text complies with the above parameters, it will go through a blind review by a specialist in the topic presented. The referees may ask for adjustments and/or corrections to your work.
  • Once this stage has been passed, the text will undergo a new review, which will check for grammar and ABNT standards. The evaluators can also contact you to answer any questions or request corrections.
  • The time can vary according to the complexity of the topic, the corrections to be made and always prioritizing the rotation of the institutions to which the authors are linked.
  • It is important to keep an eye on emails throughout the review/editing process. If messages are not answered within 72 hours, we will understand that there is no longer any interest in publication and the text will be removed from the Último Andar magazine platform.
  • The article must be signed with the author's full name, title, contact e-mail and ORCID registered on the Último Andar magazine platform. Check this link ("public" menu)
  • Articles signed by more than one author will only be accepted if the work justifies a collective signature, such as the result of group research, for example. Other cases will be analyzed by the editorial committee, which will make the final decision on whether to submit the article.

Author Guidelines

Policies for publication of articles, reviews and translations:

The manuscripts must be originals (never published in other media), written in portuguese, english, french, german or spanish, starting with the title, identification and abstract. It must be structured in introduction, content (divided in topics, numbered or not), final considerations and references. The document must be sent on the format Microsoft Office Word 2007 or the more updated version, without numbered pages. Please make sure the manuscript is in strict accordance with the format parameters listed below (ABNT), and pay special attention to the orthographic and grammar mistakes. Submissions that don’t follow these policies won’t be published. An editable model of article for your reference is available for download here - we motivate its use as a base for your manuscript. 

Use margins top and left with 3cm, bottom and right with 2cm, A4, black font. The titles (and subtitles) shouldn’t be long (two lines maximum), in Times New Roman, size 12, bold, with center text. Below comes the title in other language (portuguese if the manuscript is written in a foreign language, or english if it is in portuguese), without bold. After that, aligned text right, should be the identification of the author and co-author (if that’s the case), with capital letter only on the first letter of each name, without bold, followed by footnote indicating: the highest degree, institution, foment organization (if there is one), ORCID, e-mail. Right below, include an abstract, which summarizes the main aspects and purposes of the article (maximum of 250 words), besides 3 to 5 keywords, separated by semicolon, on the bottom line. After those, add a translation of the abstract and keywords in the opposite language referred above.

For the content, use font Times New Roman 12, justify text, line spacing 1,5, tab 1,25. Topics should be indicated in bold, with Arabic numbering without a dot, aligned text left. Quotations until three lines should be on the text, between quotation marks. Quotations with more than three lines should come without quotation marks, with simple line spacing, size 10 font and left alignment of 4,0 cm. Both quotations should end pointing to the references, on the format (LAST NAME, year, p. XX-XX), or indicating the URL (site) in footnote. Manuscripts of the same author and year should be pointed by a lower case after the year. Do not use "ibid", "cf", "apud" and other forms of substituting the repetition of the name of the author or piece, as for the text body or final references. In order to underline quotations, use bold and indicate "(emphasis added)" or "(emphasis of the author)" after reference, use "[...]" to suppress, when desired. For quotations in languages different from the manuscript, put the translation on the text body, leaving the original in footnote followed by the reference and “our translation”. The footnotes should be numbered in sequence, at the end of each page, font 10 and simple line spacing, reserved only for explanatory notes, or as pointed above. Subtitles of charts appear in center text, size 10 above or on the bottom of the image.

Quotation marks are used only on quotations on the text body and expressions with dubious meaning. Bold is reserved only for topics and quotation marking. Italic can be used only for titles of pieces, foreign terms or emphasis.

The bibliography should be in Times 12 and simple line spacing, and at the end of the article, in alphabetic order, separating more authors of the same article by semicolon, on the following models:

- Book:
LAST NAME, Name. Title of the Book. City: Publisher, year.

- Book chapter:
LAST NAME, Name. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME, Name (org.). Title of the Book. City: Publisher, year. page-page

- Magazine article:
LAST NAME, Name. Title of the article. Magazine, local, v., n., page-page, year.

- Website article:
LAST NAME, Name. Title, year. Available at: http://address. Access in: ‘day’ ´month’ ´year´.

- Website:
Name of the website. Available at: http://address. Access in: ‘day’ ´month’ ´year´.

- Monograph, dissertation/thesis:

Last name. Title of work: subtitle. Year of deposit, Type of work, (degree and course in parentheses), Institution, location, year.


Política padrão de seção


Textos ensaísticos, poéticos, e outros de cunho não-acadêmico, para debate de ideias e não oficialização e formalização de conteúdos.


Coletânea de pesquisas apresentadas em evento, publicada em pareceria com a Último Andar.

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The names and addresses informed in this Journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.