
  • Leonor Lopes Fávero
  • Márcia A. G. Molina



Gramática Analítica e Explicativa de Língua Portuguesa, General concepts, Morphology, Syntax


The aim of this work is to analyze the Analytical and Explanatory Grammar of Portuguese Language, by Professors Pardal and Ortiz, looking at the constitution of this grammar,itsconcepts of Grammar, its division and, subsequently, in relation to the postulates of morphology and syntax, because the edition of this book work is the fifth, dating from 1884, when the assumptions of traditional grammar prevailed, and Brazil was in a monarchy, but screamed for the Republic and going in a througha reconfiguration in social spheres, economic andeducational. Some reforms began to be implemented in the School and society, made up mainly of educated people, began to leave their children in our country so that they could reach Higher Education, in the few faculties that emerged. The guiding method of this work is descriptive-analytical, following the theoretical assumptions of the History of Linguistic Ideas (AUROUX, 1989;1992; FÁVERO and MOLINA: 2004,2006,2019; \ORLANDI and GUIMARÃES, 1996, ORLANDI, 2002 and COLOMBAT, FOURNIER e PUECH, 2010)


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