A brief analysis on the application of arbitral justice in labor seara, with an analysis of the most important concepts about the theme





Standards, Citizenship, Access to justice, Principles, Jurisdiction, Labor competence, Arbitration


The present work seeks to start the debate about the applicability of arbitration justice, in the labor field, not only in issues that may involve the hypersufficient or collective issues, but also for issues of individual disagreements. Great research was done on the authors, the best in each area, bringing the classics, as well as the recent authors, with different views on the topic. We will analyze the rules, citizenship, justice, access to justice, principles, jurisdiction, Constitutional vision of labor competence and, of course, arbitration. All of these themes, following the same line of thought as the etymology of the word and its concept, the opinions of the authors and its likely practical application.

Author Biographies

Gleibe Pretti, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC - Florianópolis, SC

Post Doctorate at UFSC (Federal University of Santa Catarina - grade 7 in CAPES), in progress, ending in 2023, with research focused on Arbitration in labor relations (Its application as a way to speed up the resolution of conflicts with a focus on , already developed, in the doctoral thesis, contract procedure - Vertragsverfahren) Doctor in the Graduate Program in Law at the University of Marília (UNIMAR-CAPES-note 4), concentration area Economic Enterprises, Development and Social Change, with the thesis : APPLICATION OF ARBITRATION IN LABOR RELATIONS, AS A FORM OF EFFECTIVENESS OF JUSTICE (Concluded on 06/09/2022, approved with full marks). Master in Geoenvironmental Analysis at Univeritas (UnG). Postgraduate in Constitutional Law and Labor Law and Procedure at UNIFIA-UNISEPE (2015). Bachelor of Laws at Universidade São Francisco (2002), Degree in Sociology at Faculdade Paulista São José (2016), Degree in History (2016) and Degree in Pedagogy (2018) from Uni Jales. Undergraduate and graduate coordinator of the Law course at FAUSP- Faculdades Unidas de São Paulo. Coordinator of the master's program in law at MUST University. He is currently a University Professor in Undergraduate Studies at the following faculties: Estácio São Paulo University Center, Campos Salles Colleges (FICS) and United Colleges of São Paulo (FAUSP). UNITAU (University of Taubaté), as professor of the postgraduate course in labor law, as well as arbitration, Professor of Jus Expert, in graphotechnical expertise, documentoscopy, expertise, appraiser of movable property and investigator of adverse possession. Member and researcher of the Research Group on Epistemology of National and International Arbitration Practice, at the University of Marília (UNIMAR) with the address: dgp.cnpq.br/dgp/espelhogrupo/2781165061648836 in which the leader is Prof. doctor Elias Marques de Medeiros Neto. Reviewer of articles for the Journal of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Chief Editor Revista Educação B1 (Ung) since 2017. Acts as Lawyer, Arbitrator at the Chamber of Mediation and Specialized Arbitration of São Paulo S.S. Ltd. Cames/SP and at the National Secretariat for Copyright and Intellectual Property (SNDAPI), at the Special Secretariat for Culture (Secult), since 2015. Specialist in the areas of Labor Law and Procedure, as well as in Arbitration. Focused on news in the area such as: LGPD in companies, Entrepreneurship in the face of unemployment, Post-Pandemic Labor Law, Legal Marketing, Labor Law and conflict resolution methods (Arbitration), Labor Environment and Sustainability, Mindset 4.0 in relationships labor law, Labor Compliance, Labor Law in a liquidated company, among others). Author of more than 100 books in the labor area, among others with more than 300 legal articles (from 2020 to 2022), in legal magazines and websites, carried out individually or together. Author with more productions at Centro Universitário Estácio, years 2021 and 2022. 

Francisco Quintanilha Véras Neto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC, Florianópolis, SC

Graduated in Law from the Center for Legal Sciences of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (1996), Improvement Course at the Magistratura School of the State of Santa Catarina in 1997, Master's Degree in Law in the area of concentration of Legal-Political Institutions from the Federal University of Santa Catarina Santa Catarina (2000) and Doctorate in Social Relations Law from the Federal University of Paraná (2004). Post-Doctorate in Law from UFSC (2014). He is currently a Full Professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the disciplines of Philosophy of Law and Theory of Law II. Permanent professor in the Master's and Doctorate program in Law at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in the discipline of Fundamentals of Legal Research Methodology. He has experience in the areas of Theory of Law, Philosophy of Law, Environmental Justice and Environmental Racism, Critical Theory of Law, Human Rights and Interculturality, Decolonial Epistemologies. Coordinator of the Directory of the CNPQ Research Group at UFSC - Transdisciplinary Group in Legal Research for a Sustainable Society.


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