Modernity in crisis:
Constitutional law and false promises
Crisis, Modernity, fake promises, fundamental rightsAbstract
This article proposes a critical reflection on the existential crises of the Modern State, permeating its ideals, its promises, and perspectives, highlighting what was actually accomplished and which turned out to be nothing more than mere unrealized expectations, promises of a modernity that never arrived. or it arrived only selectively, for a small portion of the population. After three decades of experience of the 1988 Constitution in Brazil, many of the programmatic and social norms still suffer from full effectiveness, being necessary to rescue the promises in search of the realization of fundamental rights from a constitutional understanding of the duties of the State. Following an analytical methodology and the literary review technique, it is concluded, as a result of the investigation, that a possible way to rescue the promises of modernity lies in the rereading of the constitution under a hermeneutic horizon of realization of rights, which values legal pluralism, the principles of constitutionalism and the democratic legitimacy of law.
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