The paradox of tolerance and democracy: essay on a form of response and the search for na inclusive dialogal democracy




Democracy, Paradox of tolerance, Democratic response


Considered victorious in the Contemporary Age, democracy becomes part of Politics and Law, a figure considered fundamental, and which best promotes the dignity of the person. As societies are dynamic within and among themselves, manifestations that diverge from democratic regime arise and are the subject of study and debate. Karl Popper introduces the divergence to democracy from the paradox of tolerance, which deals with how those intolerants of democracy should be treated by it. How to deal with these intolerants? This essay aims to problematize a border situation between Politics and Law through democratic success and how its premise of tolerance deals with the paradox coined by Karl Popper. There is more: the definition of democracy depends on the figure of tolerance, but both are constantly treated from a judicial perspective, especially by minorities. This text combats the subversion of the majority principle through the so-called tyranny of the minority, as democratic pillars must be developed under the aegis of the majority, clearly with respect for the juridical interests of all subjects.

Author Biography

Felipe Bizinoto Soares de Pádua, Instituto de Direito Público de São Paulo - IDPSP, São Paulo, SP

Master in Law, Justice and Development from the São Paulo Institute of Public Law (IDPSP) (2022). Postgraduate degree in Constitutional Law and Constitutional Procedure, in Registry and Notarial Law, in Environmental Law, Environmental Procedure and Sustainability, all from the São Paulo Institute of Public Law/Brazilian School of Law (IDPSP/EDB) (2019). Postgraduate degree in Civil Law from the São Bernardo do Campo School of Law (2023-). Graduated in Law from the São Bernardo do Campo School of Law (FDSBC) (2017). He is a volunteer monitor in the subjects Constitutional Law I and Constitutional Practice, as well as in the subjects Civil Law II and Civil Law V, all at the São Bernardo do Campo School of Law. He is a member of the research group Hermeneutics and Constitutional Justice: STF, of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUCSP), of the research group Private Law in the 21st Century, of the Brasilia Institute of Public Law (IDP), and of the research group Civil Liability in Comparative Perspective, of the Brasilia Institute of Public Law (IDP) and of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ). He was a coordination assistant at the Center for Permanent Studies in Arbitration (NEPA), of the São Bernardo do Campo Law School (2018 and 2022). He was a columnist for the electronic edition of the Jornal Estado de Direito (2020-2021). Lawyer at Cury, Santana Kubric Advogados. He has experience in the area of ​​Law, with an emphasis on Law, acting mainly in the following areas: Constitutional Law, Constitutional Procedural Law, Administrative Law, Administrative Procedural Law, Consumer Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law.


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