When the life sciences meet death - a philosophy of health essay from the thought of Hans Jonas





Philosophy of health, Human condition, Death, Medicine, Hans Jonas


In the healthcare area, pain, suffering, and death impose themselves, demanding from professionals a preparation to face our condition - the human condition, which would justify the presence of philosophy, more specifically, a philosophy of health.  Once its presence is justified, the question remains about what would be the specificity of this philosophy. To answer such question, we consider the centrality of death in the thought of philosopher Hans Jonas, who proposes a philosophy of biology; responsibility as an ethical principle, and medicine, as a science and a practice, as the place of its application in the area of healthcare. A philosophy of health that considers such propositions may contribute to the research and to the professional education of these specialists, perceiving them as subjects and enabling them, in turn, to perceive their patients and their families as subjects, which, besides pointing to the singularity, means our condition as human beings destined to perish.


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Author Biography

Viviane Cristina Cândido, UNIFESP

Docente adjunto e pesquisadora em Filosofia da Saúde – Centro de História e Filosofia das Ciências da Saúde – Escola Paulista de Medicina – Universidade Federal de São Paulo – EPM/UNIFESP, São Paulo, Brasil.


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