Evolution of empathy scores of medical students in an institution with a humanist curriculum
Medical Students, Medical Education, Empathy, Health Education, ProfessionalismAbstract
Introduction: The medical literature has recorded that among many medical students, as the course progresses, there is a decrease in empathy scores as well as an increase in stress, depressive symptoms, and exhaustion. However, few studies have evaluated how empathy levels behave during graduation, in all years of the course. Objective: To assess how the empathy scores of medical students at the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (FCMS of PUC-SP) behave in all academic years. Participants and Methods: This is a quantitative, cross[1]sectional, descriptive, experimental (survey) study. The levels of empathy were evaluated using the student version of the Jefferson Scale (JSPE-S, Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy - Student version) in 336 of the 633 medical students of the FCMS of PUC-SP, from the first to sixth year. The medical course of FCMS of PUC-SP is humanist, based on active methodologies implanted in 2006. Results: The study observed that the levels of empathy among students from the first to the sixth year of FCMS of PUC-SP remain stable, with values of 121.1 ± 8.0 (mean ± SD). Female participants had higher empathy scores than male students (122.6 ± 6.8 vs 118.2 ± 9.1; p < 0.001). Conclusion: The study observed that the empathy scores of medical students at FCMS of PUC-SP remained stable in all academic years and that female students had higher empathy scores than male students.
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