Transformational and transactional leadership style: a gender analysis




Gender, Leadership styles, Leadership results


The objective of this study is to expose the existing distinction between the way of leading men and women according to the styles of transformational and transactional leadership, and the influence of such styles on the degree of effectiveness, satisfaction and extra effort, from the perception of those led. This is a study with a quantitative approach. The data collection took place through online questionnaires, containing 50 questions. The survey sample consisted of 133 respondents. The data were analyzed through T-test and simple linear regression. The results showed that women have a greater degree of transformational and transactional leadership, also demonstrating the predisposition linked to extra effort, the study exposed in particular the difference that a leader can bring to the organization in influencing its employees to go beyond what is proposed to them. The research presents advantages for organizations in having women in leadership positions also highlighting their leadership characteristics, considered as an advantage in the transformational leadership style.


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