The Students’ Movement in Brazil From 1964 To 1984


  • Júlia Teixeira Portolese Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)



Student movement, National Union of Students, Military dictatorship, Democratic freedoms, Higher education


The student movement was relevant in Brazil during the period from 1964 to 1984, when fought against the arbitrariness and violence that occurred in the military dictatorship at the political, social (education), economic and cultural spheres. The importance of this group will be demonstrated from the study of actions, articulations of students throughout the aforementioned period based on literature and texts that bring information and data carried out by public universities with the participation of students from private colleges during the military dictatorship that lasted twenty years and spread throughout Brazilian states. This article presents the different phases experienced by the student movement from 1961 to 1984, which are marked by expressions of freedom, resistance, silencing and resumption, respectively. These elements embodied the different political moments the country went through during the military dictatorship and how it had repercussions on the performance of students in each of the stages according to the political changes occurred in Brazil.

Author Biography

Júlia Teixeira Portolese, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC/SP)

Doutora em Direito Constitucional pela PUC-SP, Mestre em Direito Constitucional pela PUC-SP, Especialista em Direito Contratual pela PUC-SP, Graduada em Relações Internacionais pela PUC-SP e Direito pela FAAP-SP. E-mail Orcid ID: Lattes: Brasil.


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