The immanence of artistic creation

elements about the method of aesthetic analysis




Marxist Aesthetics, Immanence, Art Criticism


The article aims to present elements about the aesthetic method of analysis. Based mainly on Lukács, the text chooses to carry out a theoretical-bibliographic study that is based on historical-dialectical materialism. With this methodology, the immanence of artistic creation is approached as a proposal of analysis of works of art, whose aesthetic examination should not focus on the creator's subjectivity, nor on the reception, but on the immanent relationship that is formed between the work , the receiver and the creator. This debate makes it possible for the article to point out the following: the confrontation between artistic production and everyday praxis opens up possibilities for the critic to adequately analyze whether the work really reflects authentic human dramas


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Author Biographies

Elandia Ferreira Duarte, Federal University of Ceara

Doctoral student in Education at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). Master in Education from the State University of Ceará (UECE). She holds a degree in pedagogy from the Regional University of Cariri (URCA) and a Specialization in Art / Education from the same institution. Member of the film studies and criticism group - SEVENTH, Researcher at the Workers' Movement Institute - IMO and at the Work, Education, Aesthetics and Society Research Group - GPTREES. Effective servant and away from the teaching staff of Municipal Basic Education in the City of Brejo Santo - CE. Acting mainly on the following subjects: Historical-Cultural Psychology, Cinema and Lukacsian Aesthetics.

Adele Cristina Braga Araujo, Federal Institute of Ceará

Degree in Pedagogy from the State University of Ceará (2010). Master in Education by the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Ceará (2013). Doctoral student in Education at the Graduate Program in Education at the Federal University of Ceará (2016). She is currently a professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Ceará-IFCE-Campus Quixadá, in the Fundamentals of Education, Policy and Educational Management subarea.

Karine Martins Sobral, Federal University of Maranhao

Degree in Human Sciences/Sociology. fundamentals of education.

José Deribaldo Gomes Dos Santos, Ceara State University

Graduated in Pedagogy from the Universidade Estadual Vale do Acaraú (UVA/2001), specialization in School Management from the State University of Ceará (UECE/2003), master's degree in Public Policies and Society (UECE/2005), in 2006 he did a doctoral internship at the Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE/2003). do Porto (UP), and in 2009 he completed his doctorate in Brazilian Education at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). In 2015, she completed a post-doctoral internship in Aesthetics at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) with a CAPES scholarship. He is an Adjunct Professor at the Faculty of Education, Sciences and Letters of Sertão Central (FECLESC-UECE), working in the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE / UECE) and in the Intercampi Academic Master in Education and Teaching (MAIE / UECE). He is a researcher at the Sertão Central Social Policy Research Laboratory (Lapps-UECE). He develops research in the areas of Work and Education and Marxist Aesthetics. He works mainly in the examination of Vocational Education and Teacher Training. He leads the Work, Education, Aesthetics and Society Research Group (GPTREES). Member of the UECE Research Chamber. Member of the Editorial Board of the Lukács Institute.


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