Education and technological education in Brazil

truncated trajectories


  • Adriano Eurípedes Medeiros Martins Federal Institute of the Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM)
  • Luciano Marcos Curi Federal Institute of the Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM)



Brazilian Education, Science, Technology


Technique and technology have provided us with a diversity of products and machines. It is precisely the machinery that gives greater visibility to the process of transforming science into a given object, whether the latter is material or not. In this systemic process there are two protagonists: technique and technology. In other words, it is the classic relationship between the creative subject and his created object: convergence, in a truncated evolutionary process between Homo Faber and Homo Sapiens. As a result of this process of comings and goings, we have another resulting from this relationship expressed in the rupture of the subject with his object: with the machinery, the subject becomes increasingly dependent on the equipment and not on his own rationality. In Homo, which is both Faber and Sapiens, technique and technology make up an inseparable whole from the action and historical formation of man. The production of man is, at the same time, a process of man's formation. There is here an implicit relationship of identity between producing and forming. Now, why do we produce anything? Would this not be a kind of response to the contingencies and demands that the day-to-day or the effective and concrete reality - which surrounds us and within which we are inserted - places us regularly? We have seen that, given this scenario, there is a purpose (telos) in our actions. Our actions have transformed us and, at the same time, have transformed the world around us with reflections on man's relationships with himself, with others and with his surroundings. From these transformations, we seek to establish the role of Education, especially in Technological Education, in the unfolding of this complex multifaceted process. Finally, with a qualitative approach to the historical-social process, we propose to describe and explain the main historical factors, their recurrences, which imply a truncated technical and technological development, in addition to their profound impacts on Brazilian education.


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Author Biographies

Adriano Eurípedes Medeiros Martins, Federal Institute of the Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM)

I have a degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Uberlândia (1998). I am a specialist in Strategic Administration (2009) at Uniminas. I have a master's degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2002). He completed his doctorate in September 2011, in the area of Political Philosophy at UFMG. I started in 2015 and completed my post-doctorate at UFU in 2016. Since 2010 I have been a professor (philosophy, ethics, politics and law) at the Instituto Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM) - Campus Uberaba. I am an active and regular member of two IFTM Masters in Technological Education programs. I have experience in the area of Philosophy, Sociology, Law and Technological Education. I study and research mainly the following authors and themes: Giambattista Vico, Renée Descartes, Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Nicolau Machiavelli, Álvaro Vieira Pinto, Politics, Ethics, Law and Technological Education.

Luciano Marcos Curi, Federal Institute of the Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM)

Graduated in History from the Faculty of Philosophy, Sciences and Letters of Araxá (1997), currently Uniaraxá, specialist in Theory and Methodology of Teaching and Research in History and History of the Republic of Brazil from the Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU) and Master in History Social also by the UFU (2002). Doctor in History of Sciences from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2010). Post-Doctor in History from UFU (2020). He has experience in teaching History in Elementary School, High School (History, Geography, Philosophy, Sociology and Economics), Higher Education and Lato sensu and stricto sensu Postgraduate Studies. He has taught several university extension courses. He has experience in research in History, with an emphasis on the History of the Republic of Brazil, working mainly on the following subjects: history of diseases, leprosy, leprosy, local history and public health. He develops research in the field of Education, Vocational and Technological Education and Teaching. He works in the Professional Masters in Technological Education (MPET) at IFTM-Câmpus Uberaba and in the Professional Masters in Technological Education offered in the National Network (PROFEPT).


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