Pedagogies of pro-vaccine memes in the context of the Covid-19 Pandemic
Educational Technology, memes, vaccination, Covid-19 PandemicAbstract
Memes are at the center of the mediation of public debate in our time and have been widely used in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, especially in pro-vaccination campaigns. In this context, the article sought to answer the question: what pedagogies were constructed through the language of memes in vaccination campaigns against covid-19 in Brazil? The objective was to analyze pedagogies produced through internet memes in official vaccination campaigns, in order to highlight present narratives, discourses, senses and meanings. The method used was qualitative, descriptive and analytical. The analysis method was content analysis. The study concluded that the appropriations and replications of memes about vaccines articulate a repository on various topics that mobilize and generate different important pedagogical discourses for scientific dissemination that articulate and mediate network narratives.
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