New regulatory challenges

the recently created National Data Protection Authority (NDPA) in light of the investigation into data sharing between Whatsapp and Facebook




ANPD, LGPD, Data Protection, WhatsApp, Facebook


This article addresses the issues related to the investigation conducted by the Brazilian National Data Protection Agency (ANPD) regarding the adequacy of data sharing between WhatsApp and the Meta group companies (which include Facebook and Instagram) under the domestic General Data Protection Law (LGPD). As the first major investigation by the ANPD, established during Michel Temer's administration in 2018, the ongoing procedure could be crucial in determining the regulatory agency's firepower against Big Tech companies.



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Author Biographies

Carolina Guerra, PUC-SP

Possui graduação em Jornalismo pela Faculdade de Comunicação e Artes Mackenzie (2006), pós-graduação em Jornalismo Internacional pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e mestrado em Ciências Sociais pela mesma instituição. Atualmente é doutoranda em Ciências Sociais também na PUC-SP.

João Bertholini, PUC-SP

Jornalista, photographer, and visual artist. In 2022, held the exhibition "Ordinary Affections", a series of portraits of transgender and transvestite individuals captured over eight years, curated by Neon Cunha. Also participated in the exhibition "Negros na Piscina" in 2022 with the series "Ester dancing vogue" from 2019. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Social Sciences at PUC-SP (CNPq scholarship recipient).


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