The sAIren song




Data medicine, Artificial intelligence, Technological ethics, Medical Sociology


In this essay we intend to demonstrate the need for reflection on the domain of knowledge arising from the new information technologies grouped under the acronym of Artificial Intelligence. Starting from a general basis, we focused a critical look onto the issue of health care, medical practice and the epistemological turn of data medicine. The most important aspect for an ethical approach is the possibility and need of access to a socially constructed knowledge which announces itself whilst highlights the pitfalls of political economy expressed in relations about these technologies’ immense power. What may be at stake, in addition to the radicalization of the exploiting relationship between workforce and capital, is the very decharacterization of the human ethos.


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Author Biography

Luiz Vianna Sobrinho, ENSP/Fiocruz, ELA-IA

Professor-colaborador do Departamento de Direitos Humanos, Saúde e Diversidade Cultural / Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca – ENSP/Fiocruz. Doutor em Bioética e Ética Aplicada PPGBIOS-ENSP/Fiocruz. Membro fundador da Estratégia Latino-Americana de Inteligência Artificial / ELA-IA. Lattes:


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