Neoliberalism, subjectivity and cultural industry in Brazil:

a proposal of interpretation from the Critical Theory.


  • Jéssica Raquel Rodeguero Stefanuto Fundação Educacional de Penápolis; UNESP/Marília



Neoliberalism, cultural industry, country music, aesthetic training


The contemporary crises of capital have mobilized efforts to manage the social malaise by turning it against projected enemies who become targets of authoritarian violence. The cultural music industry offers its share of justification, convincing, and naturalization of inhumane relationships that exploit nature and human beings as if there were no alternative. It is in this context that the present work proposes an interpretation of the relationship between the crises of neoliberalism, the management of affections, and the hegemonic advance of a certain genre of the musical cultural industry in Brazil, financed by economic sectors that seek to restructure and strengthen themselves at the expense of whatever. To this end, this work focuses on the foundations of the Critical Theory of Society and tests an interpretation of contemporary reality that articulates the transformations in the mode of production in the face of crises, the management of affections, and subjectivation processes that seek to guarantee the self-preservation of subjects.


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Author Biography

Jéssica Raquel Rodeguero Stefanuto, Fundação Educacional de Penápolis; UNESP/Marília

Doutoranda em Educação; linha de pesquisa Filosofia da Educação; Professora no curso de Psicologia.


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