O uso do humor nas campanhas políticas brasileiras: Cultura Visual, Gênero, Educação e Memes
Visual culture. Gender. Politics. Education. Memes.Abstract
When we examine the images shared during elections by candidates and their supporters, we are also invited to think about the visual culture that results from this context and what narratives, discourses and stereotypes are created through the use of these images. In this article, we start from the assumption that these narratives teach, directly or indirectly, how a candidate should behave in order to be considered a "good politician". To do this, they use humor and abjection, among other strategies. How does contemporary visual culture visually qualify a candidate? The aim of this article is to analyze memes from the 2022 presidential elections, published by candidates and their supporters, investigating the narratives that these visual elements create. To this end, we drew on Gender Studies and Visual Culture Studies.
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