Valuation of companies by the intangibility criterion of its assets in a railway service company


  • João Lucas Marques Coelho Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná- Unioeste
  • Delci Grapegia Dal Vesco Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste
  • Osni Hoss Universidade Tecnológica Federal - UTFPR



added value, intangibility, decision making, intangible assets


Objective: to measure the railway company’s valuation based on the intangibility of its assets.

Diagnosis of the problematization: the inclusion of Ferroeste in the Partnership and Investment Program (PPI) and the beginning of its privatization opens up an opportunity for study to evaluate intangible assets, which may not be reflecting the company's financial reality, considering its apparent high performance financial and importance for the region and customers. And, it is important for validation and recognition, since its results are increasingly decisive for decision-making.

Methodology/approach: systemic approach, the company's value estimate and the criterion used will be the intangibility of assets in a mixed state company, Ferroeste. The entity's decision-making procedures were analyzed, based on discounted cash flow projections associated with the mapping of qualitative variables, through financial statements, investment plans and the evaluation of accounting indices, and qualitative, using the Survey and Delphi.

Results: intangible assets exceed the value of tangible assets by 22 times, influencing the creation of wealth in the organization. This information on added value, together with the projected expectation for future enhancement, will have a direct impact on the company's management decision-making process.

Contributions: The valuation of intangible assets that can be identified contributes to management, as it allows defining the management strategy for each key intangible asset and identifying the economic advantages provided and the perspectives of possible impacts on decision-making.


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How to Cite

Coelho, J. L. M. ., Vesco , D. G. D. ., & Hoss, O. . (2024). Valuation of companies by the intangibility criterion of its assets in a railway service company. Revista Científica Cintec, 1(2), 76–104.



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