Analysis of the Impacts Caused in a Fintech Post-Share Acquisition:
a Case Study
fintech, acquisition of Companies, ewally, carrefour groupAbstract
Main objective of the research: to analyze the transformations and evolutions that have taken place in a fintech company, after having its shares partially acquired by another company.
Diagnosis of the problem and/or opportunity: fintechs encompass a vast repertoire of technology and allied to the capital structure that traditional large companies have, this study investigates the qualitative and quantitative impacts reflected in a fintech, after it has part of its shares acquired by a company, taking into account the fact that fintechs are a branch of business that has emerged recently, given the advancement of the technological age in the globalized world we are currently experiencing. Therefore, this study seeks to answer the following question: What are the impacts caused on a fintech, post share acquisition?
Methodology/approach: the article was based on a case study of the company Ewally, a payments fintech that had 49% of its shares sold to the Carrefour Group.
Results/application: the partnership between the companies resulted in increased business opportunities for the Fintech analyzed, allowing it to evolve financially and strengthen its position in the market. However, negative impacts were also evident, including the complexity of attracting new investors due to the prominent presence of Carrefour in Ewally's shares, as well as divergent objectives and a clash of cultures resulting from the companies' different sectoral activities.
Contributions: to shed light on some of the qualitative and quantitative impacts on a fintech company after having part of its shares acquired by a traditional, large company.
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