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    Dear reader,

    The Center for Studies in Pragmatism of the Program for Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), editor of the periodicals COGNITIO: Revista de Filosofia and COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia, through their respective editorial teams, informs, with satisfaction, the merger of these two publications, as of November 2021, maintaining, however, the ISSN of COGNITO: Revista de Filosofia, as the official record of the new version, which will cease to be a biannual publication and will become a continuous publication.

    It is important to emphasize the quality of both journals, recognized by Qualis Capes A2, and the excellent fruits produced thus far, highlighting that the periodical COGNITIO: Revista de Filosofia began in the year 2000, publishing two issues a year, representing an important channel of dissemination of the essays submitted to it, having achieved, over the years, a significant national and international repercussion. The scope of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia, on the other hand, to the present, has had the objective of providing a space for the publication of articles produced by young researchers and graduate students, many of them newly-graduated masters and doctors, Brazilians and foreigners, as a form of encouraging the entrance into the academic world. Both publications have in common a focus on themes related to Pragmatism and a diverse gamut of approaches in the field of Philosophy, fostering a fertile dialogue and debate of ideas within the national and international philosophical community, without detriment to the vital space destined for the publication of interviews, reviews and translations, among other contributions relevant to academic research.

    Notwithstanding this incorporation into COGNITIO: Revista de Filosofia, all previous publications of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista Eletrônica de Filosofia will remain available in the online portal, accessible through the link

    In addition, the dynamics of submissions will be carried out through a single access, located in the submissions field of COGNITIO: Revista de Filosofia, which will make the necessary information available in a clear and objective way.

    We reiterate that the Center for Studies in Pragmatism, founded by the Prof. Dr. Ivo Assad Ibri, in 1998, intensely dedicated to studies based on the work of Charles S. Peirce, has trained numerous researchers specializing in Peircean thought, subdivided into three special lines of research, namely: Pragmatism and Logic, Pragmatism and Ethics and Pragmatism and Aesthetics, maintaining study groups around these themes, which have reached the level of becoming traditional within the Academic Community and that, since January 2021, has inaugurated a new line of research, called Pragmatism and Psychoanalysis, innovating in this study and providing a fruitful source of themes for master's dissertations and doctoral theses of the Postgraduate Studies Program in Philosophy at PUC-SP.

    Finally, we thank you for this vote of confidence given to us by all the professors and student researchers, which only strengthens our commitment to Knowledge, allowing us to break new ground and follow the progress of true and valuable Teaching.


    Editorial Team of COGNITIO-ESTUDOS: Revista eletrônica de Filosofia (ISSN: 1809-8428)


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