
  • Carolina Leister EESP-FGV
  • J.R.N. Chiappin FEA-USP


Bounded rationality. Adaptive rationality. Decision processes. Problem-solving approach. Heuristic strategies.


The purpose of this paper, which belongs to a series of papers we developed relative to Simon’s theories of rationality, decision, company and organization, is to rationally reconstruct his seminal work on adaptive rationality and decision. The field of study of rationality and decision theories can be divided into two research programs: (i) the normative program, which interprets rationality as a set of axioms that supplies a logical structure for preferences and an optimization principle for the selection of alternatives; (ii) the descriptive program, according to which rationality is empirically reconstructed by means of the assumption that the decision-making individual incorporates a portfolio of adaptive heuristic strategies which operate satisfactorily, but not optimally, in the delineation of the opportunity set and in the selection of alternatives. In this paper we defend the thesis that Simon aims to confer greater empirical content to rationality, reinterpreting it as bounded and adaptive without, however, giving up rationality as a regulating idea.


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