The Pragmatistic/Utilitaristic Conception and its Importance in the Relation Betwenn Epistemolgy and Science in the Emergency of Contemporany Science


  • J. R. N. Chiappin FEA/FFLCH-USP
  • Carolina Leister EESP-FGV


Epistemology, Rationalism, Conceptions of science, Pragmatism, Utilitarism


The present article deals with the epistemological transformation between centuries XVII and XIX, when the classic racionalism program, for which scientific knowledge is characterized as certain knowledge, and that, for this, it assumes to have a method capable to supply conclusive decisions concerning the relative propositions to its value of truth, for the neoclassic racionalism program, in which the scientific knowledge have the statute of probable knowledge, being its propositions hypothetical and tested by means of the experimental method. The new conception of science brought of the neoclassic rationalism has consequences in the physics and the politics/law/economy by means of the pragmatism and utilitarism.


