Remarks on Tarski’s Nominalism


  • Daniel Nagase Universidade de São Paulo



Nominalism, Ontological Commitment, Pragmatism, Tarski


In this article, I will offer some remarks about Tarski’s nominalism. First, I will show that, even though it was mainly developed in private conversation and lectures, Tarski did try to develop a rigorous nominalistic theory, which shows that the issue was of some importance to him. In particular, I show how Tarski’s formulation is based on the idea of a humanly understandable language and show how he tried to develop this idea throughout his career. Unfortunately, even though his formulation is interesting, it seems to face an insurmountable obstacle, which I examine in detail in the article. Finally, I offer some remarks about what went wrong with Tarski’s nominalist program.


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How to Cite

Nagase, D. (2023). Remarks on Tarski’s Nominalism. Cognitio: Revista De Filosofia, 24(1), e58224.