The present translated article by Thomas Nagel was originally published by the author in Mortal Questions (1979), a work in which some of his major writings can be found. However, it was only after the publication of David Chalmers' The Conscious Mind in 1996, placing Panpsychism at the heart of the discussion surrounding the problem of consciousness, that Nagel's article seems to have gained notoriety. Since then, reading this text has become essential to examine Panpsychism and its premises, such as the notions of anti-reductionism and the anti-emergence of conscious mental phenomena.
However, for authors such as Philip Goff et al (2017), Thomas Nagel seems to advocate Panprotopsychism, the view that all basic physical entities have protopsychic properties, that is, properties that would not themselves be subjective, but when put together constitute subjective mental states. This reading of the article is consolidated by The View from Nowhere (1986), as the philosopher develops his theory of dual aspect monism, which underlies his Panprotopsychist thesis.
In the present translation, we have tried to preserve the fluid and elegant language that is so characteristic of Nagel's writing.
CHALMERS, David J. The Conscious Mind: In Search of a Fundamental Theory. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
FEIGL, H. The “Mental” and the “Physical”. In: FEIGL, H; SCRIVEN, M; MAXWELL, G. (eds.). Minneso- ta Studies in the Philosophy of Science. v. l. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1958.
GOFF, Philip; SEAGER, William; ALLEN-HERMANSON, Sean. Panpsychism. In: ZALTA, Edward N. (ed.). The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. California: Stanford University, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 de agosto de 2022.
GOLDSTEIN, R. Reduction, Realism. and Mind. (Tese de doutorado) Universidade de Princeton, 1976. KRIPKE, Saul. Naming and Necessity. In: DAVIDSON, D; HARMAN, G. (eds.). Semantics of Natural Lan-
guage. Dodrecht: Reidel, 1927.
NAGEL, Thomas. Mortal Questions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1979.
NAGEL, Thomas. Visão a Partir de Lugar Nenhum. Trad. Silvana Pereira. 1a ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004.
STANTON, Willian L. Anomalous Monism and The Mental Qua Mental. (Tese de doutorado) Universidade de Princeton, 1975.
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