Notes for the study of political community in the hermeneutics of H.-G. Gadamer
This text aims to point out, from his most recent works, that in the hermeneutics of Gadamer’s praxis there are sufficient elements to support a theory of the political community as a space conducive to the development of engagement by citizens in ethical and political commitments in the context of contemporary democratic societies. Although the political dimension of Gadamerian hermeneutics is not yet explored by current theorists, the originality of this research is based on the analysis of the possibility of the existence of the political community in Gadamer’s hermeneutic-philosophical contributions. These lead to the practice of engaging citizens in their commitments in the face of the real situation in which democratic societies find themselves, as well as the concern with the excessive use of science and technology today, running the serious risk of even extirpating life. planetary by irresponsible decisions of political leaders who care little about the real basic conditions of human life on the planet. This is because they do not cultivate, as deliberative principles, values that permeate the importance of community life and the preservation of what is taken as common to life in society.
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