Hermeneutics and “transfigurative” interpretation
an affaire between Danto and Ricœur
This paper analyzes Arthur C. Danto's critique of hermeneutics as a theory that, according to him, incurs in a notion of "deep interpretation" that excludes reference to the artist. Despite this criticism, we will analyze the proximity between a notion of interpretation from Paul Ricœur's hermeneutics to the notion of interpretation that Danto proposes in his theory of art. Our focus is the notion of "transfigurative" interpretation that concerns the transformation of the ordinary object into a work of art. This contribution of Danto to the analysis of the work of art allows us to bring together his and Ricœur's notion of interpretation by what they have in common: the emphasis on the questioning of the real through the work of art and on how the work is constituted through an interpretation and a transfiguration. Danto and Ricœur approach works by referring to notions of interpretation that result in processes of redescription and transfiguration.
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